2018 - Food Cultures, Co-Design (developed with the Academy of Sciences in Austria - ÖAW / Digital Humanities)


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Penesta Dika, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Katja Berger and Jose Luis Preza Diaz, "Food Cultures, Co-Design", interactive digital artwork developed within the programm "The Postdictionary as a living experience: Food Culture experiments"  (at the Academy of Sciences (ÖAW, Digital Humanities) in Austria).


- exhibited in: Ars Electronica Festival 2018: "Error - the Art of Imperfection", 6-10 September, Linz, Austria.

- exhibited at: European Researchers' Night „Sci4all“, on 28.09.2018, in Vienna (Technologisches Gewerbemuseum (TGM)).

Concept of the artwork:


Digital Interactive Artwork / Artistic Research created in collaboration with the ÖAW (Digital Humanities)


What kind of food, or food combinations do you eat?

How do you write the ingredients? Are there similarities in-between the languages of ingredients?

This station/artwork would be about to show what the visitors of Ars Electronica Festival eat mostly and what for food-combinations do they prefer. 

People from different countries and nationalities will co-create data in the exhibition space virtually.

The result will be visualized.

Also specific questions like with what do you combine a zucchini, or a potato, etc. would be answered and statistically elaborated.

The aim is to show traditional food which consists of specific combinations.

Also the research if the names of the ingredients have similarities in writing will be displayed for the visitors. 

For instance Fisch (German), Fish (English), Pesce (Italian), Peshk (Albanian), etc…

The visual presentation of the work is based on the food pyramid and shows unique visualizations forms. The food ingredients are presented in form of collage combined based on their origin, shape, art of cooking and other characteristics. They are styled accentuated with a strong colour over an background in black and white.

Each time that the visitors tips as result a torte or a pudding, appears an error on the screen. A new iteration begins.