2020/2021: ANTopolis with artworks of Christa Sommerer & Laurent
Mignonneau at Museumsquartier (MQ) and Leopoldsmuseum, Vienna, Austria.
2021: Desire for Intimacy / Albana Ejupi - Museum Danubiana, 5th October - 28th November, Slovakia.
2021: Niki Passat - Telerobotic Painting, Galerie Lukas Feichtner, 18th June -
19the July, 1010 Vienna, Austria.
2021: Vera Ivanaj, "La Danse du Vivant" (The Dance of Life), le pavillon d'accueil, Jardins botaniques du Grand Nancy et de l'Université de Lorraine, France.
Glowing Globe 2019 (co-curator), Science-Fiction-Art, Rijeka 13.-23. November 2019, Kroatia.
2019 - "Art and Science expressed in Lines: Extended
Realities“ with artworks of Martina Zelenika MooN, 25. oktober - 1st november, at Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory in Vienna, Austria.
2018 - "Le recherche comme attitude“ (Research as Attitude) with artworks of Vera Ivanaj, 14th september -
14th oktober, 6 pm at Library Gérard Thirion in LAXOU, France.
2017 - "Art in Process - Process in Art", from 21. December, in collaboration
with SciTechArt and Sonic Perceptions, at: ausstellungsraum.at, Vienna, Austria.
2017 - "Art as Approach", an exhibition with artworks of Sigrid Bucher-Soudi (Austria), Alessio Chierico (Italy),
Simone Domeniconi (Italy), Vera Ivanaj (France), Eva Petrič (Slovenia), David Smyth (USA), organized by SciTechArt, from 24.05.2017 – 06.06.2017, at: KunstRaumZwei,
1020 Vienna, Austria.
2017 - "Tramway D", an exhibition with artworks of David R. Smyth, from 05.04.2017 – 03.05.2017, at:
ARCC.art, 1070 Vienna, Austria.
2017 - "Consciousness - Past and Present", an exhibition with artworks of Shqipe Kamberi, from
14.11.2017 - 28.11.2017, at: Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo.
2017 - "Exposure of Acts and Syntheses of Silhouettes", an exhibition with artworks of
Albana Ejupi, from 26.10.2017 - 26.11.2017, at: Gallery of Ministry of Culture, Prishtina, Kosovo
and at KIC, Skopje, Macedonia.
2016 - "KosovArt", from 21.01.2016 – 08.03.2016, at: Lukas Feichtner Gallery, 1010 Vienna, Austria.